Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23-04:00

Trail Of Feathers

I've been walking a trail of feathers For days along the black, nettled canal Rich with blue fishes, flashing damsel Flies, umbelliferous elder surrendering Rhubarb stalks to the flat feet of swans. How long have I been walking? Not far, Just as long as I can recall. Everyone knows Our memory is the most unreliable Witness of all—Blue fishes in [...]

By |June 28th, 2023|Categories: Farm|2 Comments

I Hung The Moon On A Nail

I hung the moon on a nail In my kitchen, a blank space Of sky or wall or whatever You believe the horizon to be— Most people believe it's something. I believed there was a nail there And the painting concurred, strung Soon and perfectly too high, Much like the moon often is. My algorithm insists I love Clair De [...]

By |June 10th, 2023|Categories: Farm|5 Comments

How To Heal

It's been nine months since I cut my finger nearly to the bone, September 2022, the knife laying Indifferently on the counter as the blood Gushed across the kitchen tiles, across Everywhere, six stitches three hours Later in the Jefferson County West Virginia emergency room. I was alone And I have remained mostly alone since, Grown alone, in October severing [...]

By |June 3rd, 2023|Categories: Farm|2 Comments

Another Poem About Roses, etc.

The roses have enjoyed the Rain so much this year that I’ve been slamming them all May in the door, their drowsy Petal-heavy necks bowing To my screen door’s guillotine— Deflowered once weekly and guilty Of nothing more than growing. Oh, it’s hard to grow isn’t it? Not Tall, I mean. Or lost. Or old. No, these Things aren’t hard, [...]

By |May 17th, 2023|Categories: Farm|3 Comments

On The Appalachian Trail, May 15, 2023

I've been eating bread and Honey mostly lately, Cat hair on the counter Where my shedding twins Know not to hop— But more specifically Know not to hop When I'm watching. I clean and I tidy, Do yoga daily, Tend to the farm. Days of growing revelation: On the Appalachian Trail, Raven Rocks, near Bluemont Virginia, peeing into a Thicket [...]

By |May 15th, 2023|Categories: Farm|1 Comment

The Girl Who Went Adventuring

The girl who went adventuring Picked up her heart one day Where she had stored it in the pantry And placed it in her pocket. Out by the river she floats Through the bluebells marveling, Spicebush, sassafras, vaguely Thinking, "Have I ever seen a paw paw?" No matter. So many thorns to catch On her clothing, so many sticks To [...]

By |May 4th, 2023|Categories: Farm|2 Comments
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