
  • Allow 5 ounces per serving: 2 or 3 lamb kidneys, 1/2 beef kidney.
  • Kidneys should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours.
  • Smith Meadows kidneys are whole and unprocessed. Halve them vertically, wash carefully under cold water, skin with a small sharp knife and remove the inner white spongy core.
    How to Core a Kidney

    How to Core a Kidney

  • Lamb kidneys are somewhat soft and should not be washed as they will absorb water. They are particularly suited for grilling.
  • To reduce the strong flavor of beef kidneys, slice them and let them soak in cold water with a little added lemon juice or vinegar or salted cold water for 2 hours. You can also blanche them in boiled water with added vinegar or lemon juice for 20 minutes.
  • Many chefs suggest pre-cooking before use. This consists of quickly sauteing sliced kidneys in a pan lightly brushed with olive oil, then leaving them to drain in a strainer for about 30 minutes.
  • To prevent kidneys from becoming tough during cooking, which in any case should take only a few minutes, chop or cut them into fairly thick slices.
  • DO NOT OVERCOOK: the center should be slightly pink. If kidneys are to be flambeed, never flame for more than a minute or they will become tough. Kidneys are often mixed with other ingredients, as in a stew of mushrooms and wine or in a creamy sauce of mustard and shallots. Never allow them to boil in a sauce, as this only hardens them. Pour the hot sauce over them, or toss for a moment or two.


Kidneys with Mustard
Serves 4

1/4 cup butter
1 TBSP butter
2 beef or 4-6 lamb kidneys, cleaned & cored
3/4 cup heavy cream
2 TBSP Dijon mustard
salt & pepper

Heat the butter with the oil in a skillet, add the kidneys and cook over high heat for 4 minutes.  Season with salt & pepper, remove from the skillet and keep warm.  Combine the cream and mustard, stir into the cooking juices and cook until heated through.  Thinly slice the kidneys, place on a warm serving dish.

kidneys with sauce

kidneys with sauce, from

Kidneys in Bordeaux
Serves 6

3 beef or 6 lamb kidneys, cleaned, cored & sliced
2 shallots, chopped
1 1/2 tsps flour
3/4 cup red Bordeaux wine
3/4 cup stock (chicken or beef)
2 ounces Smith Meadows bone marrow chopped
1/3 cup Smith Meadows pancetta, diced
scant 1 cup mushrooms, thinly sliced
salt & pepper

Heat season iron or non-stick skillet, add the kidneys and cook for a few minutes.  Remove from the skillet and keep warm. Add the shallots to the skillet and cook for about 5 minutes until soft. Sprinkle with the flour and mix well.  Pour in the wine and stock and cook until the liquid has reduced. Season with salt & pepper, add the marrow and melt over low heat. Whisk the sauce gently. Cook the pancetta in another pan for another 5 minutes, then add the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes more. Stir the mushroom mixture into the pan of shallots, add the kidneys only to heat through and serve.

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